AOL Malibu Patch
A look at the weather forecast, surf conditions and beach water quality grades in Los Angeles County for the weekend of Sept. 7-8.
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Category Archives: Boating
ON THE WATER: Mega-Yacht Causes Mega-Uproar
By Jo Murray
Gazette Columnist
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The “big” news for local boaters and waterfront homeowners this week is actually over in Newport Harbor.
That’s where billionaire Rick Caruso’s 216-foot mega yacht, the Invictus, is anchored off Lido Isle — and it’s where the neighbors have issues with a five-story boat impacting their views.
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Ahoy, All Hands on Deck as Tall Ships Land in Dana Point

Dana Point Times: By Andrea Papagianis
While the original brig Pilgrim that Dana Point’s namesake Richard Henry Dana, Jr. sailed to the Southern California shores on lived a relatively short life, a replica with the same name has continued to travel the Pacific Ocean as an ambassador for the city.
This weekend she will welcome six other vessels to the OC Dana Point Harbor as the Ocean Institute plays host to the 29th annual Toshiba Tall Ships Festival. The three-day festival will celebrate California’s deep maritime history with mock cannon battles, pirate encampments, treasure hunts, pirate training camps, knot-tying demonstrations and more.
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Cannes Yacht Show- Yachting world’s most glamorous spectacle
With more 580 boats on display in water and on land and more 150 world premiere editions, the three exceptional French Riviera sites, the ‘Vieux Port’, ‘Port Pierre Canto’ and the 'Riviera', located at either end of the famous Croisette in Cannes, are just right for hosting Europe’s leading in-water boat show.
The first gathering of the season, the Cannes show brings together the key players in pleasure boating and international luxury yachting, whether they be exhibitors showcasing their new vessels, products and services or visitors--yacht owners or future buyers--taking advantage of an almost unique opportunity offered by this show: the sea trials!
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Whale Slams Sailboat off Palos Verdes

AOL Patch Palos Verdes: By Nicole Mooradian
A whale struck a 31-foot sailboat about 2 miles off the Palos Verdes Peninsula early Monday afternoon,Pete Thomas of Pete Thomas Outdoors reported Tuesday.
"We were just sitting there, not moving, and all of a sudden there was a great big crash," Ian Jory told Thomas. "It lifted the left side of the boat 4 to 6 feet out of the water."
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LA County Beaches Get Cleaner
NBC Los Angeles
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Those celebrating Labor Day at a Los Angeles County beach might notice it's cleaner this year - particularly in Long Beach.
Since Memorial Day, 90 percent of LA County beaches received A and B grades, up 3 percent from last summer, according to a recent report from Heal the Bay. The non-profit grades 450 beaches along the California Coast based on levels of bacterial pollution in the water.
Continue Reading... ...Rick Caruso gets permit to moor mega-yacht in Newport Beach

Los Angeles Times: By Emily Foxhall
Billionaire developer Rick Caruso will be allowed to moor his 216-foot mega-yacht in Newport Beach after obtaining a special permit from the city.
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In mid-August, to the chagrin of several citizens, the Newport Beach Harbor Commission voted to allow two large yachts — including Caruso's — to moor for a set period of time near the west end of Lido Isle.
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... Long Beach, Los Angeles beaches are cleaner than ever according to Heal the Bay report

By: Greg Yee - Press Telegram
Southland beaches are clean in time for Labor Day, according to a report released by Heal The Bay on Thursday.
The nonprofit organization releases two annual reports, including the so-called End of Summer Beach Report Card, which gave 96 percent of California’s beaches an “A” or a “B.” The report marks the seventh consecutive summer that California beaches received high water-quality scores overall.
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Ocean Recreation Water Quality Warnings and Advisories: August 20

Time: 4:35 p.m.
Date: August 20, 2013
Closure and Posted Warning Status Report
No closures at this time.
Posted Warnings:
Bacterial levels in ocean and bay recreational waters exceed health standards at the following locations:
Huntington Harbour
• Seagate Lagoon.
San Clemente
• 150 feet upcoast and 150 feet downcoast of Poche Creek at Poche Beach.
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Family Rescued In Pacific After Sailing ‘Where God Led Us’
By Scott Neuman
A leap of faith that sent an Arizona family bound for the South Pacific in a sailboat has returned them in an airplane after a harrowing ordeal at sea that saw them adrift and nearly out of food in one of the remotest stretches of ocean on the planet.
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