Ocean Recreation Water Quality Warnings and Advisories: October 4

By Doug Hansen, Special to the U-T
This mid-September trip to Catalina doesn’t even compare with the last one I did, 25 years ago. What’s different this time? Everything. My wife and I have been traveling a great deal, and I’m familiar with 75 countries, but I have to tell you that our four-day stay in Catalina rivals any trip we have done.During my last visit to Catalina, I made the mistake that many do — of just walking around Avalon, shopping and eating, spending the night and then leaving.
Continue Reading... ...Those celebrating Labor Day at a Los Angeles County beach might notice it's cleaner this year - particularly in Long Beach.
Since Memorial Day, 90 percent of LA County beaches received A and B grades, up 3 percent from last summer, according to a recent report from Heal the Bay. The non-profit grades 450 beaches along the California Coast based on levels of bacterial pollution in the water.
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By Deborah Sullivan Brennan The San Diego Bay is scheduled for a deep cleaning next month, when shipyards south of the Coronado Bridge will dredge contaminated sediment to ensure healthier waters.Toxins from industrial operations, shipyards and urban runoff have built up over decades, settling in the sediment. They are absorbed by small animals, fish and eventually people, especially frequent fishermen.
The dredging effort would remove 158,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment from the area in front of BAE and NASSCO shipyards near the Coronado Bridge.
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